Sunday, March 15, 2009

Guangzhou Zoo

OK, when you go to the zoo you see animals like lions and monkeys and there all in cages, right. HA!!! Not here in China!! When we went to the Guangzhou Safari Zoo we were looking at the gift shop when I saw a place called the Secret Forest. So we walked over to it and went inside thinking that it would be a bunch of rare animals in cages. There were rare animals all right but they were not in cages!!! Even the vulture and the owl!!! They didn't even fly off. And the funniest part was that the monkeys were on ropes above our heads!!! and they didn't even jump off and kill us like I thought they were going to!! The best part of it all was when we went to go see the wight tiger cub. It was the cuttiest thing!!!
Other things we saw:
~the kuala twins
~lions and tigers and bears... oh my!! TEE HEE!!!
~pandas (WICH WERE ADORABLE!!!!!!!!)
~and many many more!!!
Well I have to go!!

1 comment:

  1. The tigers look cute!! awwwww!! glad the monkeys didn't jump on your heads and attack!!
    The eggs...were those the runny eggs you had for breakfast at the hotel in Wuhan?!! :)
